Over the years of teaching RYSE and ARYSE, we constantly hear stories from people of how things that were problems resolved into success. Or how RYSE techniques or the recordings were used with sick children or to manifest a job or relationship or any other variety of important life changing events.
Often people can learn from other people's experiences better than they can from their own. They are too close to see what is happening. That's where your stories and experiences can help others to understand how being clear is helping them to manifest what they want. Your story may be the thing that helps them to stay aligned and clear in the future.
Please post your comments about how RYSE has affected your life or the lives of others and what changed as you used the techniques. Your story will be a valuable resource for everyone who reads it. We look forward to learning from you.
Thank you.
p.s. Please be careful to protect the identity of any third parties that you mention.
We look forward to working with you.